Big Good Turn Activity Report, April 2000 On Saturday, April 8, our troop did its "Big Good Turn" at the Highland Lakes Camp and Conference Center. We departed at 8:45 a.m. and were ferried to the camp by motorboat. Our first job was to shovel and carry out a lot of sand from the bottom of a large swimming pool. The sand had accumulated during some sand blasting on the pool’s walls in preparation for repainting. We finished the job in a couple of hours and then set up 300 chairs in the auditorium for a conference that was to be held later that night. At noon we had lunch in the cafeteria and then played basketball for about an hour. The rest of the afternoon we carried dead brush to a burn pile by the lake in preparation for a lawn. The motorboat returned at 3:00 to take us home. We were ready to rest but felt good about what we had accomplished. Related links:
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